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AI Analyst

Dataset Explorer

You can scan the internet using our collection of tools to build large datasets for security and marketing research. Available with any membership plan.

error Loading and sorting large datasets for visualization can be demanding on the browser. While optimizations have been implemented to support dataset loading, it is recommended to only visualise datasets under 10,000 objects. You may experience the tab becoming unresponsive and prompting to be killed when loading large datasets. For a smoother experience, consider downloading the datasets for offline use.

Explore the Data

Explore the ready to access datasets.

ads_click WebTech Detector

Find out what a website is built with including its web technology stack, web server, and web framework.

link Web Spider

Crawl a website and extract its URLs. Find hidden pages, directories, and files.

front_hand Domain Reputation

Check if a domain is blacklisted or has a poor reputation.

workspace_premium SSL Analysis

Analyze SSL certificates and check for security vulnerabilities.

copy_all Domain Spoofing

Find out if a domain has been impersonated or squatted.

quiz Subdomain Finder

Find all subdomains of a domain by enumerating DNS records.

frame_source JavaScript CVE Scanner

Check a website for JavaScript security vulnerabilities.

image Image Metadata Extractor

Extract metadata from images including EXIF data.

captive_portal DNS Lookup

Lookup DNS records and check for weak policies and misconfigurations.

email Email Extractor

Extracts email addresses from a webpage.

brand_family Business Intelligence Research

Gather information about a company, industry or market.

Scheduled Jobs

Explore the collected and scheduled datasets.

diamond Schedule a New Collection

Create new datasets by scanning the web. Just choose one of the tools below and set your preferred configuration.