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Data Types

HTTP Methods

Token cost: 3

Enter a URL to check which HTTP methods are enabled on a website and if they are secure.

Port - Choose to scan either the HTTP or HTTPS version of the site.

Security Checks - Choose to perform security checks on the HTTP methods.
Subscription Required Srcport Shield Verified
Low Risk HTTP Methods


HTTP Method

An HTTP method is a verb used in the HTTP protocol to indicate the desired action to be performed on a specified resource. Common HTTP methods include GET (retrieve data), POST (submit data), PUT (update data), DELETE (remove data), and several others. HTTP methods are crucial to cybersecurity because they define the types of actions that can be taken on web resources. If not properly managed or restricted, malicious actors can exploit these methods to retrieve, modify, or delete data without authorization, leading to data breaches, data loss, or other cyber threats.


Common HTTP Headers such as: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE


Common HTTP headers that can change data on the server such as: PUT, DELETE, CONNECT, POST, PATCH


Application-specific headers that can perform a variety of tasks including: PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, MKCOL, COPY, MOVE, LOCK, UNLOCK, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, PATCH, SEARCH, CONNECT