Upgrade Subscription

Your intelligent security investigation platform for the web

Tools Expert Analysis AI

Low Risk Subdomain Finder


Data Types

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Get your security score

Quick assesment of your web assets

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Access to srcport shield.
Srcport Shield

Your automated asset monitoring solution.

Start Automating
Access to playbooks.
Security Playbooks

Launch handcrafted security playbooks to gather intelligence.

Begin Analysis
Access to srcport datasets.
Cyber Security Datasets

Access our cyber security datasets from scanning the web.

Research Data

Enhancing expert security analysis with AI

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Introducing the platform's many capabilities

Available as an API, included with every subscription.

Webpage Audit | Tools to auditing individual webpages for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations

Web Scraper
Minimal Risk
HTML Entities
Minimal Risk
Cookie Security
Minimal Risk
HTTP Headers
Minimal Risk
Local Storage
Minimal Risk
Google Dorking
Minimal Risk

Network Audit | Tools to gather information about a domain's network security posture

DNS Lookup
Minimal Risk
SSL Analysis
Minimal Risk
Port Scanner
Moderate Risk
Software Scanner
Moderate Risk

Vulnerability Scanner | Tools to dig into vulnerabilities and CVEs that might affect your organization

Directory Fuzzer
Moderate Risk
Parameter Fuzzer
Moderate Risk
Risk Level = the intensity of the noise × by its potential to harm the endpoint

Free expert RAG analysis of the results

We also interpret the results for you into actionable ranked items

srcport.com performs RAG analysis on the data.

With a growing number of tests performed on the raw resutls, we are able to provide categorised breakdowns of the data, descriptions of tests performed and recommendations for how to fix the issue.

srcport shield data driven analysis.
Automate your monitoring

Automate your security management and asset discovery with Srcport Shield. Using our collection of over 40 tools, we keep eyes on your digital assets 24/7.

Scope your network, monitor assets, and automate

Image representing network vulnerability scanner.

Tools that help you discover your network and keep track of technical assets.

Network Vulnerability Scanner
image representing website vulnerability scanner.

Monitors the exterior of your network for problems as soon as they arise.

Website Vulnerability Scanner
image representing shield automation

Register your domains and have srcport.com automatically scan for vulnerabilities on a schedule.

Srcport Shield Automation
Caspar the AI Analyst.
Caspar AI Analyst

After running a capability, you can ask your AI Assistant questions about the results.