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DNS Lookup

Token cost: 3

Search for a domain name to find its DNS records, IP address, and mail servers. We also check for common DNS misconfigurations and security issues.

Record Type - Select the type of DNS record to lookup.
Minimal Risk DNS Lookup



IPv4 address record - A DNS resource record that maps a domain name to an IPv4 address.


IPv6 address record - A DNS resource record that maps a domain name to an IPv6 address.


Canonical name record - A DNS resource record that specifies an alias or canonical name for a domain name.


Mail exchange record - A DNS resource record that identifies the mail servers responsible for accepting incoming emails for a domain.


Name server record - A DNS resource record that indicates the authoritative name servers for a domain.


Pointer record - A DNS resource record used in reverse DNS lookups to map an IP address to a domain name.


Start of authority record - A DNS resource record that provides authoritative information about a DNS zone, including the primary name server and contact information.


Service locator record - A DNS resource record that specifies the location of services, such as domain controllers or SIP servers, for a domain.


Text record - A DNS resource record that can store arbitrary text-based information associated with a domain.


Sender Policy Framework record - A DNS TXT record that helps prevent email spoofing by specifying the authorized mail servers for a domain.


Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance record - A DNS TXT record that enhances email authentication and provides policies for handling email messages that fail authentication checks.

HTTP Status Check

Token cost: 1

Enter a URL to check its HTTP status code and find out if the website is up or down.

Minimal Risk HTTP Status Check



OK - The request has succeeded. The server has successfully fulfilled the request and returned the requested content.


Created - The request has been fulfilled, and a new resource has been created as a result.


No Content - The server has successfully processed the request, but there is no content to return.


Moved Permanently - The requested resource has been permanently moved to a new URL. The client should update its bookmarks or links to the new URL.


Found - The requested resource temporarily resides under a different URL. The client should use the new URL provided in the response for future requests.


Bad Request - The server cannot process the request due to malformed syntax, invalid parameters, or other client-side errors.


Unauthorized - The request requires authentication. The client must provide valid credentials.


Forbidden - The server understood the request, but the client is not allowed to access the requested resource.


Not Found - The server could not find the requested resource.


Internal Server Error - A generic server error occurred, indicating that something unexpected went wrong on the server side.


Service Unavailable - The server is currently unable to handle the request due to temporary overloading or maintenance.


Gateway Timeout - The server, acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from an upstream server.

SSL Analysis

Token cost: 2

Enter a domain name to check its SSL certificate and find out if it has any known vulnerabilities.

Minimal Risk SSL Analysis



The entity (such as a person, organization, or device) to which the certificate is issued.


The entity that issues the certificate, usually a certificate authority (CA).


The period during which the certificate is considered valid, typically specified by a start and end date.

Public Key

The cryptographic key used for encryption, digital signatures, or key exchange.

Key Usage

Specifies the purposes for which the public key can be used (e.g., encryption, digital signature, key agreement).


Subject Alternative Name (SAN) is an extension that allows additional identities (such as domain names or IP addresses) to be associated with the subject of the certificate.


Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is a list maintained by the CA that contains the serial numbers of revoked certificates.


Authority Key Identifier (AKI) is a unique identifier that helps locate the public key corresponding to the CA that issued the certificate.


Subject Key Identifier (SKI) is a unique identifier that helps identify the public key corresponding to the subject of the certificate.

Domain Reputation

Token cost: 1

Check your domain's reputation against multiple blacklists and find out if it has been flagged for spam, malware, or other malicious activities.

Minimal Risk Domain Reputation


Port Scanner

Token cost: 20

Enter a domain name or IP address to scan for open ports and discover potential security vulnerabilities.

Scan Type - Select the type of portscan to perform.
Subscription Required Srcport Shield Verified
Moderate Risk Port Scanner



A communication endpoint or logical construct used in network protocols to identify specific services or processes.

Open Port

A port that is accessible and actively listening for incoming connections.

Closed Port

A port that is accessible but not actively listening for incoming connections.

Filtered Port

A port that is being blocked by a firewall, preventing the scanner from determining its status.

Stealth Scan

A port scanning technique where the scanner attempts to avoid detection by sending packets that are unlikely to trigger a response.


A type of scan that leverages ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets to gather information about hosts or networks.


A type of port scan that sends TCP SYN packets to determine if ports are open, closed, or filtered.


A type of scan that sends TCP ACK packets to determine if ports are filtered or unfiltered.

UDP Scan

A type of port scan that sends UDP packets to determine if ports are open or closed.

IP Scan

A type of scan that involves scanning IP addresses to identify active hosts within a network range.

ARP Scan

A network scan that uses the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) to map IP addresses to MAC addresses in a local network.


The process of gathering information about a target system, such as its operating system, services, and versions, to aid in further exploitation or enumeration.

Subdomain Finder

Token cost: 15

Enter a domain name to find all its subdomains by enumerating DNS records.

Scan Type - Select the type of subdomain scan to perform.

Wordlist - Selects the (length) of the wordlist to use.
Subscription Required Srcport Shield Verified
Low Risk Subdomain Finder


Software Scanner

Token cost: 50

Enter a domain name to audit and discover its software stack including web servers, frameworks, and CMS.

Scope - Sets whether to stay in scope of the target domain or not.

Optimise - Choose an optimisation strategy to speed up the scan.
Subscription Required Srcport Shield Verified
Moderate Risk Software Scanner


Business Intelligence

Token cost: 2

Enter a company domain name to discover information about the company including its location, details and likely software inventory.

Minimal Risk Business Intelligence


Banner Grabber

Token cost: 40

Enter a domain name or IP address to enumerate its banners and discover its software stack and version numbers.

Banner Type - Choose the type of banner to grab.
Subscription Required Srcport Shield Verified
Low Risk Banner Grabber
